We exist to GLORIFY God by PROCLAIMING the Gospel of Jesus Christ, PROMOTING biblical worship, and PRESENTING everyone mature in Christ.

The mission of Eastwood Presbyterian Church is based upon the Bible verse, Colossians 1:28, where we are challenged to “present everyone mature in Christ.” Maturing is a process, and Eastwood seeks to be a place where believers can grow in their faith and non-believers can come with their questions about faith.

By God’s grace and with His guidance, we will accomplish our mission through the following Biblical means:

Eastwood holds its worship services in high regard as we come together to glorify God with preaching, confessing, praying and singing. Our worship service is centered on the Word of God, the Bible, as we worship God “in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24). The preaching and teaching at our services are intended to nurture the believer’s faith and Christian walk (2 Tim 4:2).  We also regularly observe the sacraments of the Lord’s Supper and Baptism.

Eastwood seeks to guide believers to a maturing faith by personal instruction which includes small group Bible studies and individual mentoring, and “body life,” practicing the one-another commands.

Eastwood seeks to encourage and equip believers individually and collectively to proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. We are engaged in outreach ministries in the Montgomery area, as well as mission opportunities around the world.

Eastwood seeks to motivate members “to love and good deeds” through regular fellowship (Hebrews 10:24). We share each others’ burdens and gently hold one another accountable in an encouraging manner (Proverbs 27:17).