Please join us for a worship service. Eastwood Church is more concerned with the heart than with outward appearances. As a result, when you come into our services, you will find people in jeans and suits, talking and singing and praying together.
Sunday school is an intentional effort to gain a broader understanding of the bible. Because we believe the bible is the Word of God, we pursue the intentional study of it through surveys, book studies and topical studies. These are fashioned toward the goal of our members knowing how to live wise and grace-saturated lives, and to equip them to share the whole plan of God as revealed in the bible and history.
Our music tends toward traditional hymns, with an emphasis on joyful reverence. We mix the best of hymns and contemporary praise music in the evening service. We believe in a holy reverence before God that overflows with joy as a gathered group of people who have received – and daily need – grace from God.
Nursery: Children of all ages are welcome in our worship services, but we also provide a nursery for infants through three years old.
In More Detail
Our morning worship service begins at 10:30 am. The service itself is a simple, classical Protestant service. Jesus in John 4:23 speaks of the Father seeking those who worship Him in “Spirit and in truth.” We hope to honor this principal of Scripture by seeking to order the sequence of the elements of the service and the content of the service with Scripture. Simply put, we seek to read the Bible, sing the Bible, pray the Bible, and preach the Bible. We believe that all the parts of the service should be saturated with Biblical language and concepts. We believe that in such a context the Holy Spirit is uniquely at work with the Word of God to convert the unbelieving and edify the body.
In our service there are several elements that are always present. The singing of praise in the form of hymns and Psalms, several prayers offered at the beginning of the service (invocation), in the middle (pastoral prayer), the Lord’s prayer, the reading of Scripture, the reciting of a creed, the preaching of Scripture, and the regular observance of the Lord’s Supper and Baptism.
One of the things that is new to some who visit is the practice of sequential, expository preaching through books of the Bible. This type of preaching is nothing new in the history of the church. The Apostle Paul spoke of preaching “the whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:26) to the church at Ephesus. The early church Fathers, like Augustine and Chrysostom, preached through books of the Bible regularly. The Protestant Reformers recovered this practice from the Church Fathers and made it the central part of the service. This practice over time familiarizes the congregation with all the different parts and genres of the Bible and gives honest explanations for the different passages encountered. Our hope is that you will find the service one that honors our Lord Jesus Christ as well as draws you into fellowship with Him and His people.