One of God’s main purposes for the church is to be a “city on a hill” (Matt 5:14), pointing others to Him through relationships. These relationships are both local and global in scope.
Local Missions
We desire our members to be witnesses for Christ in our workplaces, our schools and universities, and places of recreation in the city of Montgomery where we live.
Eastwood Christian School promotes character and knowledge in the youth of our city through Classical Christian Education.
Our church participates in the excellent work of a number of local mercy and community ministries, such as First Choice Montgomery and Fisher's Farm.
Global Missions
We believe the words of Matthew 28:20, which is the call to make disciples of Jesus in all nations. Eastwood supports a host of missionaries around the world through our regular budget, and a special missions offering called Faith Promise.
Missions Prayer
Because the goal of the church is impossible without God, prayer is the fuel for missions. Eastwood hosts a prayer meeting for the nations every Sunday at 4:30 PM at the church in the Mission Office.
Missions Conference
Every year in February or March, Eastwood hosts a global missions conference. The goal of this conference is to increase our knowledge of God’s work in the world, and to stir our passions to participate through prayer, giving and going ourselves.